
Lesson Plans for the Eigo Note

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Grade 5- Eigo Noto book 1

Lesson 5-1
Lesson 5-2
Lesson 5-3
Lesson 5-4
Lesson 5-5
Lesson 5-6
Lesson 5-7
Lesson 5-8
Lesson 5-9

Grade 6- Eigo Noto book 2

Lesson 6-1
Lesson 6-2
Lesson 6-3
Lesson 6-4
Lesson 6-5
Lesson 6-6
Lesson 6-7
Lesson 6-8
Lesson 6-9

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Keeping Students Busy for a Minute or 2  


With all of these chants and short dialogs to write on the blackboard, I find there are times when I’d like to keep the students busy while I write. This is an easy-to-do activity I use to have seat pairs practice vocabulary while I'm writing.

Pairs play Janken first, and then the Winner (using pictures on a page in the Eigo Noto that I have chosen) can:

  • Say the word in English, and the Janken Loser says the word in Japanese (or visa-versa);
  • Say a short phrase, ‘Hot dog, please.’ or ‘Blue shoes.’ for example, and the Janken Loser points to the picture in the Eigo Noto;
  • Say a word, and the Janken Loser says the word group (dog - animal; red -  color; soccer - sport).

Using this kind of activity, it’s easy to keep the kids practicing English for a few minutes while doing other things.

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